What is abdominal muscle surgery (Six Pack)?

What is abdominal muscle surgery (Six Pack)?

In addition to the procedures preferred in surgical aesthetics, lubrication in the abdominal region and six pack, which improves the ideal aesthetic appearance of the body, come to mind. Women and men want to get rid of belly fat with strict diet and exercise.

The aim is to have a more attractive and aesthetic body by revealing the abdominal muscles. It is not easy to reveal abdominal muscles with only exercise and nutrition habits.

In particular, no matter how hard some people try, it is not seen that they have the desired abdominal muscle appearance due to their genetic predisposition. Six pack is meant to express the abs in men. Two pack is the name given to the abdominal muscles of women. As a goal, people who want to get the body they want in a shorter time need abdominal muscle surgeries.


sixpack  Can a natural look be achieved with Six Pack surgery?

As a result of abdominal muscle aesthetics, patients reach the appearance of a baklava abdominal muscle. It does not waste time on gaining abdominal muscles as a result of long efforts. It is possible to have natural looking muscles in a very short time. It appears as a painless procedure.
It is performed by specialist estheticians. The fat taken from the person is then added to the necessary areas to provide a baklava abdominal muscle appearance. In some cases, tummy tuck and skin tightening surgeries can be performed in addition to abdominal muscle aesthetics.

Six Pack operation: We consider the abdominal muscle surgery method applied in men as six pack surgery. The reason is that men have six diamond-shaped abdominal muscles. Liposuction and fat addition are performed in accordance with the shape of the muscles. The fat on the lines between the six muscles is obtained by liposuction. Afterwards, these oils are applied by injecting into the areas where the muscles are curved by appropriate methods. Thus, the muscles become prominent.

Two Pack operation: Abdominal muscle aesthetics applied in women are called two pack surgery. The reason is that women have two prominent abdominal muscles. When a line is drawn from top to bottom at the level of the navel, there is one longitudinal muscle on both sides of the line. Then the extracted fat is injected into the areas where the muscles should protrude.

Who can do it?

Abdominal muscle surgery is applied to both men and women. People over the age of 18 who have completed their body development can have abdominal muscle aesthetics.

People who cannot have the abdominal muscle structure they want with strict exercises and diets have this surgery. It is also a procedure used by people who do not want to struggle for a long time to get smooth abdominal muscles.

People with chronic systemic diseases can perform abdominal muscle surgery with the approval of the doctor after the examination.

Is abdominal muscle operation (Two Pack) advantageous for women?

Like men, the appearance of the abdominal region in women is of great importance in having a fit body. Women who try to get rid of abdominal fat with diet and intense sports live with the dream of abdominal muscles. However, it is not easy to have attractive abdominal muscles due to certain genetic factors and negativities such as sagging of the abdomen after pregnancy. Abdominal muscle aesthetics, which is the most effective procedure, is also performed by women. Abdominal muscle surgery applied to women is a two pack operation. As a result of the physician’s examination, it is determined whether the patient is suitable for two pack surgery. People who want a sporty look from Two Pack applications for women also highly evaluate it.


Abdominal muscle aesthetics is performed by men and women who want to have a fit and attractive body. Persons who want to apply for this surgery are first examined by a specialist aesthetic doctor. During the examination, the general condition of the patient is evaluated, systemic diseases and drugs used are learned. A treatment plan is made with patients who do not have an obstacle to surgery.

Abdominal muscle surgery can be performed with sedation or under general anesthesia. Before the operation, it is necessary to follow the doctor’s recommendations. Before starting the operation, the lines of the muscles in the abdomen are determined and drawn with the help of a pencil. After the patient’s consent is obtained, the decision to operate is made. The procedure is performed by removing excess fat from the places where the abdominal muscle should be collapsed, with the liposuction method. After liposuction, the extracted fats are collected. Afterwards, these fats are injected into the areas where the abdominal muscles are desired to be curved. If the fats taken are not sufficient, implant or prosthetic fats that are compatible with the body tissue are evaluated. There is no difference between the six pack surgery and the two pack surgery in terms of the procedures applied.


Six Pack and Two Pack healing process

Recovery time after surgery is relatively fast. After the procedure, a bandage is placed on the abdomen. You should not remove this bandage for as long as the doctor deems appropriate. In a few weeks, the desired fit body appearance is formed. However, losing or gaining weight after tummy tuck surgery can be dangerous. Pay attention to diet and exercise. If care is not taken, the muscle appearance obtained as a result of surgery may deteriorate. In addition, it is normal to have slight swelling and redness in the operation area after the operation. This is temporary. It is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations to prevent infection.

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